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Animal Dental Clinic

Your Consultation Visit

Close up of brown and white dog with tongue sticking out


  • See our Consultation Request page

  • Why both the pet owner and the practice need to be prepared for a patient’s consultation visit:

    • This allows the consultation to be most productive, answering relevant questions and focused on formulating a plan specific to the patient. Without these preparatory steps, the consultation often becomes a vague discussion of what possible options would be based on different contingencies that have yet to be clarified.

    • This also ensures all patients are candidates for, and prepared for, a potential recommended diagnostic/treatment procedure at ADC

    • This allows us to provide care for more of the patients who need it

  • For more information, please see our services page for more information on oral diseases that we treat most commonly, our approach to anesthesia, and oral health in general.


Brown Cat Biting on a Red Toothbrush

Confirming & Communication Before Your Appointment

Generally by email/text but can elect phone only if you prefer

  • Opt out of email/text communication at any time, but your appointment will be canceled if appointment is unconfirmed in the week prior to the appointment

  • While our scheduling status has improved since we’ve changed how consultations are scheduled, depending on several factors, we are sometimes scheduling consultation appointments several months in advance. We want to make sure we don’t get forgotten in your busy schedule, so please make sure to confirm your appointment so we can know to expect you.

  • If there hasn’t been a response to our automated requests for confirmation 3 working days (Monday-Thursday) before the scheduled appointment, our team will begin reaching out by phone/text/email to determine if we should expect you as scheduled.

  • If a scheduled appointment remains unconfirmed 2 working days (Monday-Thursday) before the appointment, the appointment will be cancelled.

  • This allows us time to reschedule another patient for that appointment.

Arrival For Your Consultation Visit

  • Park in front or back of clinic

  • Call or text to let us know you’re here

  • Our team will come meet you and your pet and discuss:

  • Our understanding of patient’s medical history, reason for visit, and specific considerations and concerns that you or we may have.

  • Please make any necessary clarifications or additions that you think would be helpful.

  • Make a plan for communication during the consultation visit

  • Only patients are brought into the clinic for examination/evaluation and treatment;

  • Consultation with you will occur with your pet and Dr indoors; while you wait outdoors, in your car, or on our covered patio.

  • This is not a “drop-off” visit. Please do not leave. We’ll be ready to discuss findings and recommendations with you shortly.

  • This was implemented at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, and is partly still in place for social distancing purposes, but also because we’ve taken over our lobby and exam rooms in order to provide our staff with room to work and care for patients. It helps us to provide better care more efficiently.

Brown Dog Cuddling Orange Cat

Consultation Discussion / Exam

General physical exam, focused on factors related to anesthetic considerations

  • Awake oral exam

    • Sometimes allows for a thorough assessment of the presenting problem, but other aspects may remain because even the most gentle and compliant pet can’t allow a complete oral exam while they are conscious.

    • Sometimes allows only for an estimate of the extent and severity of the disease

    • This allows Dr to formulate a basic treatment plan

      • Good to know about treatment: Because oral diagnostics are generally performed under the same anesthetic event as the planned treatment, it’s anticipated that the treatment plan may require adjustment and update once the diagnostics have been completed

  • Dr will discuss physical and oral examination findings with you, answer questions, and discuss considerations for the treatment of your pet (each individual has their own unique concerns and most relevant concerns)

Consultation with your doctor may communicate with you via teleconference (Facetime, Google Duo, Zoom), text messaging, or in person outdoors, depending on the needs of the patient, how each doctor communicates most effectively, your ability to navigate teleconferencing, weather, and other factors.

Wrap Up

  • Our team will review the treatment plan and cost estimate with you after Dr has completed the discussion of findings, recommendations, and considerations

  • If labwork is recommended and to be performed at this visit, our staff will collect samples for submission to our diagnostic laboratory

  • If a procedure is planned

  • We will frequently dispense oral medications to give your pet as pre-anesthesia medications; though these medications are (or may not be) prescribed based on individual patients’ medical considerations

  • Our team will review what to expect from your pet’s treatment, how you can expect to plan your day around your pet’s drop off and pick up, and what to know about your pet’s post-treatment home care

  • Our team will schedule your pet’s procedure visit for you based on the patient’s needs, Dr availability, and convenience

  • Procedures generally are scheduled 1-3 weeks after a consultation visit

  • Our team will collect a deposit to secure your pet’s surgical appointment

  • We will email a date and time confirmation of the surgical appointment (or happily hand you a printed copy if you prefer)

  • We will email a copy of the treatment plan + cost estimate (or happily hand you a printed copy if you prefer)

  • This document also serves as consent to perform the treatment. Please sign and return it, either by email or by bringing it with you to the procedure visit.

  • You can expect a few reminder texts/emails ahead of that visit

  • If appropriate for you and your pet, our team may provide you with a demonstration of how to brush your pet’s teeth, or, just as commonly, a discussion of how to begin to train your pet to accept tooth brushing.

  • Our team will collect payment for the consultation (if not already prepaid), any labwork submitted at this visit, and any medications dispensed and provide you with an invoice