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Animal Dental Clinic


Information About Your Visit

At Animal Dental Clinic, we understand your concerns about all aspects of your pet’s care.

It’s important to know what to expect about logistics, who will be caring for your pet, cost of treatment, and follow-up. We’ve assembled some of our frequently asked questions to help you learn more. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us.

General Policies & Procedures

Social distancing

Since it’s not possible for our team members to be distanced while working together on patients, we’re rather cognizant of our exposure to others.

Currently, only staff and (dog and cat) patients are allowed in our building. Our consultation and procedure visit procedures have changed to allow distancing while still keeping our clients informed and involved. While each of our doctors has different styles and processes that are more effective for them, it’s been over 2 years since we’ve implemented our current approach and has found that it works well for us and our clients. We’ve managed to continue providing care to our patients throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, largely due to the redesign of our workspaces and these precautions.

While these adaptations started as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the absolute need for social distancing, there’s now an additional reason for maintaining this approach: while our physical space has not grown, the complexity of our patient population and the size of our team has.

We’ve allocated what used to be our lobby and exam room to a flexible staff workspace to keep the high standards of care we’ve established for our patients and our clients. There is currently no suitable space to receive clients in our building, though we’ve dedicated outdoor spaces, including an outdoor exam room, for this.

Ahead Of Your Consultation

Wellness Exam

Most patients who come to see us at Animal Dental Clinic come to us because they require treatment for their oral/dental disease. Because oral diagnostics and treatment require a patient to be anesthetized, it’s important to make sure that patients are healthy enough to consider an anesthetic procedure. Your primary care veterinarian is the best place for that general wellness visit since many patients who have oral/dental disease also have other medical concerns to manage. While we’re specialists in dentistry and oral surgery, your primary care veterinarian is the best place for making sure everything is in place to be able to best proceed with the treatment of oral/dental disease. If your pet hasn’t had wellness care in a while, and you suspect they also have dental disease, it’s a great idea to start with an evaluation by your primary care veterinarian; they can best advise on what specific steps to take to confirm that your pet is prepared for a potential anesthetic procedure. When our patients who have seen their primary care veterinarian recently come for a consultation, that consultation visit is spent making specific plans for treatment, and providing informed answers to client questions. Without this, the consultation is more speculative and maybe a discussion of hypothetical and potential answers depending on different general health scenarios.

General Health Screening Labwork

Along with a general wellness examination, we recommend that patients have routine laboratory evaluations in preparation for a potential anesthetic procedure for similar reasons. This lets our specialists know that a patient’s internal organs- many of which are responsible for metabolizing anesthetic drugs are working well; that your pet doesn’t have a predisposition to healing or clotting problems, unexpected infection, or other unknown medical conditions. Sometimes general health screening labwork shows changes that require additional evaluation to fully evaluate.

Medical Condition Follow Up

At Animal Dental Clinic, we frequently treat patients who have other medical conditions. Patients with known heart, liver, and kidney diseases are common in our practice. Our approach is to make sure that their existing medical condition is well-defined and stable prior to considering an anesthetic and/or surgical procedure. To do that, the managing veterinarian (whether this is a primary care veterinarian or another specialist) should have seen the patient recently and determined that the medical condition is well-controlled and stable. Since we are an outpatient practice (we do not have overnight staffing or offer after-hours care), all of our surgical patients need to be stable to discharge in the afternoon/evening after treatment. We screen our patients so that those with severe disease conditions that are predicted to require after-hours care following treatment are proactively referred to facilities with this option. Making sure your pet’s existing medical condition is stable ahead of preparing for consultation at Animal Dental Clinic is often the difference between a patient being a candidate (or not) for outpatient treatment.

Why Rabies Vaccinations Are Important

the most common source of exposure of veterinary personnel to rabies in the US is working in the mouth of unvaccinated animals. This is an occupational risk that is avoidable and we do not accept it for our team. Rabies vaccination is generally safe and effective and appropriate for the vast majority of patients. Further, an unvaccinated pet having bitten a person presents a scenario involving reporting to the San Mateo County Health Department, supervised quarantine of the pet, and a significant expenditure of time and energy.

Heart Health

In order to plan an anesthetic procedure for your pet, and to provide meaningful answers to your questions about anesthetic risk vs. benefit of treatment, our specialists need to be reasonably confident in a patient’s heart function. Clinical findings such as a heart murmur or irregular heartbeat don’t always tell very much about the nature and severity of the problem. Often, additional testing such as chest x-rays, EKG, and consultation with a board-certified specialist in veterinary cardiology for echocardiographic (heart sonogram) evaluation is needed to determine whether a patient’s heart is functioning well enough to support them through an anesthetic procedure. Anesthesia is a form of physiologic stress, so a different level of physical activity than a pet owner sees their pet in on a daily basis. A patient whose heart disease doesn’t cause problems in their daily routine may still experience anesthetic complications as a result of their heart disease if the correct accommodations are not made at the stage of treatment planning. At Animal Dental Clinic, we are very proactive at ensuring our patients are well-prepared for anesthesia; generally requesting all patients with a consistent heart murmur or arrhythmia (or other clinical findings commonly associated with heart disease) undergo whatever evaluation steps are appropriate to fully characterize the patient’s heart function. Heart disease is complex and can have many different implications for anesthesia and surgery. Having a heart problem doesn’t necessarily mean that your pet can’t be safely anesthetized, but knowing all of the ways that the heart does and doesn’t work as well as it should allow us to determine if a patient is a good candidate for outpatient anesthesia and surgery, and informs a highly-customized personalized anesthetic plan.

Medical Records

Having your pet’s medical records available for review helps us to triage patients in terms of the urgency of their oral/dental treatment needs, and to determine that their general health makes them a good candidate for outpatient anesthesia and surgery. It also allows us to spend the consultation visit making plans and discussing the patient’s status, rather than collecting information about their health and care in the past.


We totally understand that it just isn’t possible to take photos of the mouth of every patient. Some are just way too wiggly, some bite, and in some pets, the location of the problem just isn’t in a place anyone can take a photo of. That said, when we can get them, they are often really helpful in determining what type of problem is being described, how extensive or severe it is, and how urgent the treatment is needed. This helps us to make sure that patients who need treatment most urgently receive it in an appropriate time frame.

Consultation Information


Our consultation fee is $250. This amount will be collected at the time your consultation appointment is scheduled. In the event your consultation appointment needs to be canceled or rescheduled, this is refundable if notice is given one week in advance of your appointment. Our shorter-notice cancellation fee is $250; this may be waived if we’re able to move another patient into your canceled appointment.

Second opinion

Because so many patients are currently in need of veterinary dentistry services, we do our best to care for them overwhelmed with our potential caseload. We’ve generally stopped providing second opinion consultations for patients who have already been evaluated by one of our colleagues in a vet as many as we realistically can, we are able to serve more patients if we are thoughtful with regard to patient scheduling. This is necessary to preserve our staff resources, as it is easy to be veterinary dentistry specialty practice, as treatment recommendations are typically nearly, if not completely, identical to those of our specialist colleagues.

Who should be available

Because consultation involves a detailed discussion of considerations related to a patient’s general health, risks, the prognosis for long-term good health, and short-and long-term lifestyle choices; we recommend that all of a patient’s family members who need to provide input to, and receive information directly from, our specialists be present (either in person or via videoconferencing) during the consultation appointment. At present, we refer to being readily able to directly participate in discussions and interact with our team without major distractions. The family member physically present for the consultation appointment usually should not leave (please remain in your car or on our patio area). We want to be able to make your consultation visit productive and educational. We like to connect with our clients. We’re happy to answer follow-up questions, but it’s unfortunately common (and difficult) to be asked to repeat the majority of the consultation by phone later with a different family member. We’re happy to provide lots of resources and answer specific questions, but don’t have additional time scheduled for those “extra” phone consultations.

Why are you repeating labs?

Laboratory data (like bloodwork results) captures a snapshot in time of measures of liver and kidney function, electrolytes, blood proteins, and blood cells. Often a single recent measurement is sufficient to confirm a patient is as healthy as they seem, but medicine is complicated and sometimes there’s very good reason to need to know how (or whether) those values have changed over time.

Do you have a waitlist – Sort of. We try hard to make sure that the patients who need care most urgently receive it in an appropriate time frame. To make sure this happens, when a client requests a consultation appointment, we’ll collect some information about the patient (link consultation request page) to determine the urgency of the patient’s treatment needs, confirm they’re likely a candidate for outpatient treatment, and that they’re medically ready for potential anesthesia and surgery. Based on that information, we’ll schedule a consultation as availability permits. We keep track of those requests that are in progress and not yet scheduled, and of those scheduled that would most ideally be treated sooner if possible. We’ll also do our best to accommodate clients’ scheduling preferences however possible.

Can my pet’s initial consultation be arranged for the same day as the treatment?

Each patient deserves a thoughtful evaluation, and each pet owner deserves a thorough explanation of oral examination findings and the treatment plan and time to make the best choices for their pet and family. We generally schedule consultations to best facilitate this and to allow everyone to complete their decision-making process, discuss with relevant family members, plan for their pet’s post-anesthesia care thoughtfully, and for our staff to consult with relevant team members without pressure to proceed with treatment the same day. We understand that this approach may not always be the most convenient to schedule in your busy life, but the importance of thorough communication and a complete understanding of expectations merits the time it takes. When patients truly require care on an emergency basis, this thoroughness is balanced with efficiency and prioritization to achieve treatment in the time frame most appropriate for the patient.


Medications at home

When patients have oral surgery, part of that care is providing postoperative pain control. Usually, we will dispense any required medications from our pharmacy. However, especially for those who take pain medications regularly for conditions like arthritis, continuing their usual medication as a part of that pain control plan can be appropriate. If your pet regularly takes pain medications, please let us know about them when we admit your pet for surgery. If the drug is sufficient to use in your pet’s post-operative pain control plan, we can build that into their care instructions rather than dispensing a drug you already have. The information that is most helpful to know is:

  • drug name (ex: carprofen)

  • drug strength and form (ex: 75 mg tablet). Please note that if you’re using a liquid medication, it will be important to know the concentration; this is usually given in mg/mL (for example, gabapentin 100 mg/mL liquid)

  • drug dose (ex: ½ tablet). For liquid medications, this will be in mL (for example 0.75 mL)

  • dosing frequency (ex: twice daily)

  • how much drug you have on hand (ex: 3 tablets)

  • Pre-anesthesia medications

Part of medicine is using those medications to the best benefit while simultaneously minimizing (or sometimes taking advantage of) negative drug side effects. Some of the most important drugs that we use are what we call our anesthesia induction drugs; these are used to rapidly make an (already sedated) patient fully unconscious so that we can place their endotracheal tube (protects the airway, delivers oxygen and anesthetic gas). From there, anesthesia is usually maintained by providing variable amounts of inhaled anesthetic gas, with or without additional injectable medications. Of the above, the drug with the most impactful side effects is the induction drug; generally, those side effects include a decrease in heart rate or contractility, a decrease in blood pressure, and a decrease in respiration. All of these side effects are manageable, but this is one case where prevention is the best medicine. Where possible, it’s reasonable to take steps to reduce the amount of induction drug needed to make the patient unconscious; this is where pre-anesthesia medications come in. We frequently prescribe pre-anesthesia oral sedative medications for clients to administer at home (either the evening before anesthesia, 2 hours before the scheduled procedure appointment, or both) so that a patient requires less of the induction drug. These sedative drugs have few side effects beyond the intended sedation. This, in addition to injectable pre-anesthesia sedative/pain medication that we will administer in the clinic, helps to reduce the amount of induction drug required to proceed with anesthesia and therefore contributes to a safer and smoother anesthetic event.


  • Consultation appointment:

  • In general, we do not recommend a patient fast ahead of their consultation appointment.

  • Procedure appointment:

  • Food: We want our patient to have a relatively empty stomach when we begin an anesthetic procedure. Patients should have their normal-sized meal, as usual, the night before anesthesia, with that meal being fed before midnight. If your pet has been prescribed medications to administer in the morning ahead of the procedure appointment, it is reasonable to use a small piece of fruit, cheese, meat, peanut butter, canned food, or a “pill pocket” treat to administer medications. Please use the smallest amount of food items possible.

  • Water: Your pet may have access to water as usual. There is no restriction on water intake before anesthesia.

Anesthesiologist consultation

Our team is highly experienced in anesthetized patient care, but we’re happy to call on the support of our colleagues in other specialties when it helps us to support our patients. We don’t have a board-certified specialist in veterinary anesthesia and analgesia on site. We frequently consult with one to design anesthesia (medication, care, monitoring) plans for our more medically complex patients.



A deposit of $500 will be collected at the time your pet’s procedure appointment is scheduled. In the event your pet’s procedure appointment needs to be canceled or rescheduled, this is refundable if notice is given one week in advance of your appointment. Our shorter-notice cancellation fee is $250; this may be waived if we’re able to move another patient into your canceled appointment.


Aside from deposits collected at the time an appointment is scheduled, payment for services performed for a patient will be collected at the time it is performed. We accept payment via Visa, MasterCard, American Express, ApplePay, cash, check, and CareCredit (link client landing page). For credit card and CareCredit payments, we can process your card in our office or send you a link to securely pay online.

For CareCredit payments, please go to the application page (link) to apply for CareCredit. We are not able to process applications in our office. If you would like our team to process your CareCredit payment in our office, the cardholder must be present.

Who should be available?

  • Admit- Any reliable family member may admit your pet to their treatment appointment. If someone else is to be responsible for decision-making and payment, this can be relayed to our team in advance or at the time your pet is admitted to their procedure. The treatment plan and cost estimate document should be signed by those who have medical and financial decision-making responsibility for your pet.

  • During the procedure- The person with medical and financial decision-making responsibility for your pet should plan to be available to receive an update via text messaging, phone, or video conferencing (depending on the patient’s needs and doctor’s preferences). Generally around 1-2 hours after your pet is admitted to our clinic, we’ll be providing you with an update on diagnostic findings. If there are any new findings, or decision-making to do about how to proceed, we’ll be relaying that to you and discussing implications as appropriate. While this discussion is happening, our team will be doing nerve blocks and scaling and polishing, so this time is put to good use despite your doctor being busy updating you; however, this discussion should be kept relatively brief to avoid prolonging your pet’s anesthesia. If there are general questions about possible treatment options or outcomes, please reach out ahead of your pet’s procedure to clarify. Our team will go over your pet’s post-anesthesia care requirements and expectations after your pet’s recovery, usually at the time your pet is discharged to you.

  • Discharge- Any reliable family member may bring your pet home from treatment with us. If the person picking up your pet isn’t the main person providing care and you’d like us to review discharge instructions with someone else by phone, please let us know and we’ll be happy to do that. Payment will be due at the time your pet is discharged, so if the person bringing your pet home isn’t the person providing payment, please let us know and we’ll send an invoice and payment link to the appropriate person.

What is the benefit of treatment for my pet’s oral disease?

Despite appearances, most pets with the oral disease are in discomfort and their mouth doesn’t function properly. Treatment of the oral disease aims to remove the source of oral pain, control infection and/or tumors, and allow for a return to normal oral function. It’s not uncommon that we see our patients back for a recheck and hear that “he’s acting like a puppy again,” or “she hasn’t played like that since she was a kitten.” While chronic pain and/or infection in animals can be very hard to detect from outward appearances, removing it can cause dramatic improvements in their quality of life.

Do you do simple teeth cleaning?

At Animal Dental Clinic, all procedures of tooth scaling and polishing are performed under anesthesia, with the intent of treating and/or preventing periodontal disease in cats and dogs. Periodontal disease occurs around the tooth root. While it may be visually satisfying, simply cleaning the teeth without oral diagnostics is insufficient and may be detrimental to patients with established periodontitis. For this reason (just like your dentist), we always perform oral diagnostics, including dental radiographs and periodontal probing prior to scaling and polishing teeth. Performing oral diagnostics allows us to find and treat periodontal disease, rather than allowing it to continue its course despite the “clean” surface appearance. In addition, oral diagnostics provide information about other dental and oral problems. For more information, please see our General Dentistry page.

Do you perform teeth cleaning without anesthesia?

Simply removing plaque and calculus from the teeth without performing diagnostics to find underlying disease (which is present in the majority of adult dogs and cats), or other treatments to address that underlying disease is not in a pet’s best interest. While it’s reasonable to be concerned about general anesthesia in a pet, our approach to our patients’ tailored anesthetic plans ensures that risks are minimized. To prevent and reduce anesthetic complications, we maintain patients at an appropriate depth of anesthesia, rely on oral nerve blocks for pain control (which reduces a patient’s general anesthetic drug requirements), and utilize two staff members (one technician and one veterinarian) to directly monitor each anesthetized patient.

How long will my pet be in the clinic for his/her procedure?

Treatment and recovery time varies by patient, but in general, patients with procedures scheduled in the morning will go home by mid-afternoon on the same day. When your pet is admitted, our staff will let you know an approximate discharge time. We will keep you up to date if there are any changes.


Drug side effects

The main post-anesthesia drug side effect that we see in our patients is called dysphoria. Dysphoria is the disoriented feeling that we humans have when we take certain pain medications. Dogs and cats experience this too but usually manifest this in different ways. Part of our post-anesthesia monitoring includes ensuring that a patient’s drug side effects are manageable and not requiring treatment. While these side effects can be reversed by administering other medications, the pain control effect is then also reversed, so the goal is to make sure our patient has adequate pain control with reasonable (but not no) side effects. These side effects are generally resolved in the 6-12 hours following their discharge from the clinic.

  • Dogs- dysphoric dogs frequently appear anxious, with symptoms including panting, pacing, and whining. “Asking” to go outside and then back in the house frequently also seems common. It’s important to remember that while these behaviors may not be normal for your dog, they’re normal for a dog recovering from anesthetic drugs. These behaviors aren’t an indication of pain, but rather an effect of your dog’s pain medications.

  • Cats- dysphoric cats may have a few different appearances. Some cats go home to be quiet and sleep; they may be more sedate than normal. Some cats go home and may be quite active despite still being a bit uncoordinated; restriction of this activity isn’t required as long as your cat is prevented from accessing locations where they may hurt themselves. Some cats go home to be more affectionate than usual; they may also be more or less active along with this. All of these are normal for cats in anesthetic recovery, even if they aren’t really normal for your cat.


Following oral surgery, your pet’s surgical sites will be closed with sutures (dissolvable). There may be small amounts of blood-tinted saliva noticed in their bed, water bowl, or feet for the first day or two after surgery. You should not expect to see red drops of blood from your pet. If your pet’s surgery involved extensive maxillary (upper jaw) surgery or an oronasal fistula (the connection between mouth and nasal cavity), small amounts of blood-tinged nasal discharge may also be noted in the first few days following surgery.


Sometimes, general anesthesia can affect the normal activity of the gastrointestinal tract; temporarily slowing down the passage of food and water, especially since pets have generally skipped a meal before their procedure. To help avoid nausea or vomiting this evening, plan to offer your pet ½ of their regular amount of food in several small portions. Water doesn’t need to be restricted but may need to be offered in small portions. Food and water amounts can return to usual the day after your pet’s procedure. If your pet has oral surgery, they should be fed soft foods for approximately the next 2 weeks. In general, it’s preferable not to change a pet’s diet if possible, as diet change alone can cause gastrointestinal upset. If a pet normally eats dry food (kibble), please soften it by soaking it in warm water for 30-60 minutes before feeding. Pets who are normally fed canned or home-prepared diets should continue to be fed their usual diet.


Following anesthesia, please plan to provide your pet with a quiet afternoon/evening at home with activity limited to the home and short leash walks (dogs), and restricted climbing (cats). Rough play, strenuous exercise, running, and jumping should be avoided today. Restricting access to stairs and furniture may be needed. The goal of these restrictions is to prevent your pet from injuring themselves if they are slightly uncoordinated as a side effect of anesthetic medications. It’s generally appropriate to resume normal activities the following day, though this is something that should be decided based on your observations of your pet. If your pet usually interacts with children; until you are sure that they are feeling normal, please supervise or avoid these interactions- if kids aren’t a normal part of your pet’s day, please wait until your pet is feeling like themselves to make introductions to new children.

My pet had a procedure today. How do I care for him/her?

Every pet’s procedure is slightly different, so specific instructions may vary somewhat. You’ll receive your pet’s specific instructions when your pet is discharged. In general, our patients don’t require much nursing care at home. They are able to walk out of the hospital and eat and drink on their own. Because they may still be metabolizing some of their anesthetic drugs, they may not feel 100% themselves, so it’s still important to keep them quiet, usually just for the evening of the procedure. Please restrict activity to leash walks and offer only small amounts of food and water at a time. Your pet may be discharged with medications. Please give these according to the labeled instructions. Our staff will let you know when the first doses should be given.


Payment and Insurance

We currently do not have a payment arrangement in place with any pet insurance provider. As with all of our patients, payment will be required in full at the time of service. We’re happy to provide you with whatever documentation is required for you to receive reimbursement from your insurance provider. Please note that membership plans provided by large hospital groups like Banfield and VCA are used only within the respective hospital group, and are not applicable at Animal Dental Clinic.

Can you tell me exactly how much my treatment will cost?

Before our veterinarians have examined a patient, it is difficult to predict the details of a treatment plan, so the cost is similarly difficult to estimate precisely. Once one of our veterinarians has examined your pet and proposed a treatment plan, you’ll be provided with a cost estimate for that plan. Any additional problems that are revealed by the oral diagnostics performed under anesthesia will be promptly communicated and discussed with you so that you can decide the course of action.

Does Animal Dental Clinic accept pet insurance?

Animal Dental Clinic works with all providers of pet insurance, though we do require payment at the time of service. It is advisable to contact your insurance company before your pet’s procedure to find out the details of coverage for the intended treatment. We will provide your insurance company with any documentation needed for you to receive reimbursement.

Does Animal Dental Clinic offer financing plans?

Animal Dental Clinic requires payment at the time of service. We work with CareCredit to provide our clients with financial flexibility.

Our Team

What kind of training do your veterinarians have?

Following graduation from veterinary school, and completion of either an internship or spending time working in veterinary practice (or both), our veterinarians began residency training. While an internship is usually a year-long period of additional training in many areas of veterinary practice, such as emergency medicine, internal medicine, surgery, cardiology, etc, a residency is a several (3-6)-year period of intensive training in a particular area of specialty- in the case of our veterinarians- dentistry and oral surgery. Residency training includes clinical practice, teaching, and research. Upon successful completion of residency requirements, candidates are eligible to take a rigorous examination that qualifies them as a Diplomate of the American Veterinary Dental College; a board-certified specialist in veterinary dentistry. Please see our veterinarians’ bios for the specifics of their training.

Who performs the procedures at Animal Dental Clinic?

Following graduation from veterinary school, and completion of either an internship or spending time working in veterinary practice (or both), our veterinarians began residency training. While an internship is usually a year-long period of additional training in many areas of veterinary practice, such as emergency medicine, internal medicine, surgery, cardiology, etc, a residency is a several (3-6)-year period of intensive training in a particular area of specialty- in the case of our veterinarians- dentistry and oral surgery. Residency training includes clinical practice, teaching, and research. Upon successful completion of residency requirements, candidates are eligible to take a rigorous examination that qualifies them as a Diplomate of the American Veterinary Dental College; a board-certified specialist in veterinary dentistry. Please see our veterinarians’ bios for the specifics of their training.

What is a veterinary specialist?

Following graduation from veterinary school, and completion of either an internship or spending time working in veterinary practice (or both), our veterinarians began residency training. While an internship is usually a year-long period of additional training in many areas of veterinary practice, such as emergency medicine, internal medicine, surgery, cardiology, etc, a residency is a several (3-6)-year period of intensive training in a particular area of specialty- in the case of our veterinarians- dentistry and oral surgery. Residency training includes clinical practice, teaching, and research. Upon successful completion of residency requirements, candidates are eligible to take a rigorous examination that qualifies them as a Diplomate of the American Veterinary Dental College; a board-certified specialist in veterinary dentistry. Please see our veterinarians’ bios for the specifics of their training.

What is a registered veterinary technician, what is a veterinary assistant?

What is a VTS?

Medical Records Request Template

Use this to request your pet’s medical records from your veterinarian

Dear <Veterinary Practice>,

I would like to pursue consultation for <Pet’s Name> (<Your First and Last name, and the name of any family members who may be named on your pet’s medical record at your primary care veterinary Practice>) at Animal Dental Clinic. To schedule that visit, Animal Dental Clinic is requesting a copy of < Pet’s Name>’s medical record to review. At your convenience, please send the current relevant medical records, including recent physical examination and lab work, if available. If <Pet’s Name> has undergone oral/dental treatment at your practice, and was referred for treatment of findings, please also include an anesthetic record, dental chart, and dental radiographs (EzyVet users: please select the option to split the medical record by date, rather than by type, which makes it possible to follow the progress of medically-complex patients).

Medical records can be sent by fax to (650) 610-8970, or mailed to Animal Dental Clinic, 987 Laurel St., San Carlos, CA 94070.

Thank you!

< Your Name>

< Your Phone Number>